MOBILISE online Training School (TS)


Biodiversity and Digital Media: linking material citations in publications to specimens”


ONLINE (via Google Meet)

27 and 28 February 2023 13.00 -17.00 PM CET


MOBILISE COST Action 17106: “Mobilising Data, Policies and Experts in Scientific Collections”, in cooperation with Plazi (, the Swiss Universities eBioDiv and Arcadia Fund, organises its first online Training School Biodiversity and Digital Media: linking material citations in publications to specimens” at 27th and 28th of February 2023 (via Google Meet), addressing theoretical and practical activities.


This hands-on and interactive training initiative will give the opportunity to students & professionals of Natural History Institutions to get informed and exercised on the liberation and reuse of taxonomic data using digital platforms and repositories.

Applicants need to register in the following link:


The Training School is open to a limited number of trainees (20 attendants). No fees apply to the TS.


Application deadline for the Training School is the 19th of February 2023. Successful applicants will be notified until the 23rd of February 2023.




The Training School (TS) Biodiversity and Digital Media: linking material citations in publications to specimens” will address the following theoretical topics during its online sessions:


  • The main concepts: Publications, treatments, material citations, and occurrences of specimens;
  • FAIR data and Plazi workflow: from data presented by a human to a machine-readable data with all its limitations;
  • Treatment Bank (TB) as a repository for taxonomic data;
  • GBIF as a repository for specimen data and occurrences from scholarly publications (material citations);
  • Linking specimens in GBIF to materials citations by using the eBioDiv Matching Service;
  • Learning to use the Matching Service and make life annotations on the production service;
  • Learn how to recover the links from TB stats, including creating a list of specimens linked by the user;
  • An outlook how to convert data from missing publications and the future of publishing according to FAIR data requirements.


Practical training on the Matching Service will be also offered. Successful applicants are encouraged to select one or more scientific articles of interest (pdf format) to be emailed to Plazi for the liberation of taxonomic data during practical lessons.




The Training School Biodiversity and Digital Media: linking material citations in publications to specimens” is addressed to everyone who is engaged in biological collections and their data, such as Curators and Collection managers, Directors/Senior managers, Collection Digitization managers/officers, Bioinformatics Scientists, Early Career Investigators, Students (postgraduates, MSc, PhD), Technicians of collections.



At the end of the TS, trainees will obtain the MOBILISE COST Action Certificate with ECVET credits (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training).



In order to follow the TS, trainees need a B1 level of English according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), as the formal language of the TS is English.


Trainees are required to have access to laptops or desktops to download the required software for use during practical lessons.


PLAZI – MOBILISE online Training School (TS) Announcement 27-28 Feb 2023