WG 3 will make a systematic review of recent and new concepts and standards for data management, including aspects of content definition (vocabularies, thesauri, languages) and technical ones (for integration and interoperability). WP3 will exchange experience on all these matters and identify technical shortcomings and knowledge gaps. These gaps might lie in the administrative and legal area (e. g. management of ABS relevant data), in the technical context (management of highly structured complex data, data streams and big data) and in the interoperability with the changing landscape of analysis tools, mobile apps and portals. Also, the challenges in the area of data curation and quality management are growing, as well as in the organisation of multimedia and vector objects together with their structured technical and content metadata. WG3 will analyse the landscape and distribute this knowledge with best- practice papers and documentations. The results will directly feed the DiSSCo Research Infrastructure proposal on the natural history museums and collections.
Objectives for Year 1:
Together with WG1:
- To identify a network of experts for collection and biodiversity data management (including standards and other common resources, concepts, services, data curation and quality management)
- To conduct a landscape analysis of current and planned activities regarding data management in the current landscape of activities around building an infrastructure of scientific collections
- To make a gap analysis of the current landscape of activities and identify new concepts and standards that are needed to solve data management challenges
Objectives for Year 2:
Together with WG1:
- To finalise the landscape analysis of existing domain-specific standards
- Symposium at Biodiversity NEXT: Standards Alignments across Disciplines in Natural Sciences (https://biodiversitynext.org/)
WG3 alone:
- To identify new concepts and standards for data management and further analysis of an already identified new concept: Linking biodiversity Information through WikiData
Objectives for Year 3:
Exploring an IPEN-like system for natural history collections
This goal addresses the possibility of creating an IPEN–like structure for Genetic Resources (e.g. silica-dried, frozen (from -18 -180 degrees C) samples). Thus staying compliant with the Nagoya Protocol and minimizing paperwork. The beauty of the IPEN-system is that all included members (signatories) together are treated as one legal person, while the responsibility for storing the necessary paperwork resides with the place of entry of the sample.
For more info please visit https://osf.io/j6psx/ .
Co-chair(s) | Country | Contact e-mail |
Eva Häffner | DE | e.haeffner [at] bgbm.org |
Wouter Addink | NL | wouter.addink [at] naturalis.nl |
Ole Seberg | DK | oles [at] snm.ku.dk |