In the light of the rapid development of IT technology, data archiving, long-term preservation and availability are important topics for every data producer and data provider in the bio- and geodiversity communities. WG4 will address these problems by assessing current standards and strategies for data archiving and suggesting efficient and practical strategies for different kinds of institutions.

MOBILISE will develop, or adapt where possible, the required standards and guidelines for data archiving and long-term preservation, e.g. the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) ISO Standard, linking to the work of existing organisations, projects and networks.

Objectives for Years 1 and 2:

  • Identify existing communities and expertise, concepts and standards on storage space solutions and issues on preservation and long-time archiving of datasets with dynamic data content
    • addressed at a workshop held in Sofia following the second Management Committee meeting
  • Towards an agreement on generalised concepts for long-term data archiving for different types of data and different types of collection organisations
    • addressed at a workshop held in Sofia following the second Management Committee meeting
  • Start of describing pilot archiving solutions with reference to OAIS and FAIR data principles; pilot realisations at single institutions or consortia
  • Continuation of development of archiving strategies and concepts with reference to OAIS and FAIR data principles; pilot realisations at single institutions or consortia
    • will be addressed at a workshop held in Sofia following the third Management Committee meeting

Objectives for Year 3:

Design and publication of a guideline on archiving with best practices

It includes:

  • planning a protocol for academic editors and data publishers, and

  • aiming at increasing published data quality and quantity.

For more info please visit and

Co-chair(s)  Country contact e-mail
Gila Kahila Bar-Gal  IL gila.kahila [at]
Dagmar Triebel DE triebel [at]

For the  Agenda of the Sofia WG4 workshop and the list of participants (click here)!

For the  Agenda of the Warsaw WG4 workshop and the list of participants (click here)!

For the Agenda of the Crete WG4 workshop and the list of participants (click here)!