43 trainees from all over Europe participated the online session of the MOBILISE third blended Training School of MOBILISE which was implemented successfully yesterday the 6th of May!! Congratulations to all trainees who followed until the last moment all
MOBILISE Working Meeting in Crete
From Tuesday 17 to Friday 20 May 2022 the MOBILISE COST Action will come together in Heraklion (Crete, Greece) for a large event focusing on challenges around data mobilisation, publication and re-use derived from natural science collections. The Working Meeting
MOBILISE blended Training School (TS) “Digitisation and data management challenges in small collections”
MOBILISE blended Training School (TS) “Digitisation and data management challenges in small collections” MOBILISE COST Action 17106: “Mobilising Data, Policies and Experts in Scientific Collections”, in cooperation with GBIF https://www.gbif.org, CETAF-DEST https://cetaf.org/explore/dest-distributed-school-of-european-taxonomy, and DISSCo https://dissco.eu, organises its blended Training School
Workshop on Machine Learning on Images of Natural History Collections
Workshop on Machine Learning on Images of Natural History Collections (Cost Action Mobilise – CA17106). Coimbra, 8-10 September 2021, Herbarium of the University of Coimbra, Department of Life Sciences. An interdisciplinary team of 19 researchers from seven European countries discussed
Joint virtual MOBILISE WG3 and SYNTHESYS+ NA3 workshop
The joint virtual MOBILISE-SYNTHESYS+ Loans and Permits Data Standard Workshop will take place on September 29th and 30th 2021. The workshop is expected to contribute to an ongoing cross-community discussion on how to support the adequate handling of legal and
MOBILISE WG1 workshop – Discovering living collections
The aim of this online workshop (14-15th of September), organized by the WG1 of the MOBILISE Cost Action, is to explore the alignment of the different ways of describing collections. Living and preserved collections are often closely related to each
MOBILISE workshop on machine learning on images of natural history collections
Working Group 2 will organise a MOBILISE workshop on “Machine learning on images of natural history collections”. This workshop will be a physical workshop in Coimbra, Portugal, hosted by the University of Coimbra, 8th – 10th September. A team of
3rd MOBILISE All Hands Meeting virtually hosted by the Natural History Museum of Crete
The 3rd All Hands Meeting of the MOBILISE COST Action took place on 16-17 June 2021, as a virtual event hosted by the Natural History Museum of Crete – University of Crete (www.nhmc.uoc.gr). The event started on Wednesday 16 June
3rd MOBILISE All Hands Meeting virtually hosted by the Natural History Museum of Crete
The 3rd All Hands Meeting of the MOBILISE COST Action will take place on 16-17 June 2021, as a virtual event hosted by the Natural History Museum of Crete – University of Crete (www.nhmc.uoc.gr). The event will start on Wednesday
Call for STSM applications extended! New deadline: 31 May 2021
3rd Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM)Extended deadline for applications to be submitted: 31 May 2021Notification of application outcome: 15 June 2021Period of STSM: between 15 June and 30 September 2021 COST 17106 Action_STSM_2020_Call_final_extended